台灣微生物生態學學會 章程

第一章 總則
第 一 條 為促進台灣微生物生態學者的國際交流合作,謀求台灣微生物生態科學,及其應用之進步與發展,推動學術貢獻作為宗旨,特成立台灣微生物生態學學會(以下簡稱本會)。
第 二 條 本會為依法設立、非以營利為目的之學術團體。
第 三 條 本會以全國行政區域為組織區域。
第 四 條 本會會址設於主管機關所在地區台北市,並得報經主管機關核准設分支機構。前項分支機構組織簡則由理事會擬訂,報請主管機關核准後行之。
第 五 條 本會之任務如下:
一、 舉辦國內與國際(包括中國大陸及歐美其他地區)研討會。
二、 邀請學者專家舉行專題演講會
三、 提出微生物生態相關研究計畫
四、 其他與章程所訂宗旨及任務之相關事項
第 六 條 本會之主管機關為內政部。目的事業主管機關依章程所訂宗旨、任務主要為教育部、國家科學委員會、行政院環境保護署、行政院農業委員會及行政院衛生署等。本會之目的事業應受各該事業主管機關之指導、監督。

第二章 會員
第 七 條 本會會員分下列六種:
一、 個人會員:凡贊同本會宗旨、年滿二十歲、具有台灣公民資格者,填具入會申請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後,為個人會員。
二、 團體會員:凡贊同本會宗旨之機構或團體,填具入會申請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後,為團體會員,團體會員推派代表一人,以行使會員權利。
三、 學生會員:凡贊同本會宗旨、年滿二十歲、具有台灣專科、大學、研究所學生資格者,填具入會申請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後,為學生會員。
四、 外籍個人會員:凡贊同本會宗旨、年滿二十歲,填具入會申請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後,為個人會員。
五、 外籍學生會員:凡贊同本會宗旨、年滿二十歲、具有專科、大學、研究所學生資格者,填具入會申請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後,為學生會員
六、 贊助會員:贊助本會工作之個人或團體。
第 八 條 會員(會員代表)有表決權、選舉權與罷免權。每一正式會員(會員代表)各具有一權。凡具台灣居留權之會員(會員代表)具被選舉權。但贊助會員無前項權利。
第 九 條 會員(會員代表)有遵守本會章程、決議及繳納會費之義務。
第 十 條 會員(會員代表)有違反法令,章程或不遵守會員大會決議時,得經理事會決議,予以警告或停權處分,其危害團體情節重大者,得經會員大會決議予以除名。會員未繳納會費者,不得享有會員權利,連續二年未繳納會費者,視為自動退會。會員經出會、退會或停權處分,如欲申請復會或復權時,除有正當理由者外,應繳清前所積欠之會費。
第 十一 條 會員(會員代表)有下列情事之一者,為出會:
一、 喪失會員資格者。
二、 經會員大會決議除名者。
第 十二 條 會員(會員代表)得以書面敘明理由向本會聲明退會。

第三章 組織及職權
第 十三 條 本會以會員大會為最高權力機構。會員(會員代表)人數超過三百人以上時得分區比例選出會員代表,再召開會員代表大會,行使會員大會職權。會員代表任期二年,其各名額及選舉辦法由理事會擬訂,報請主管機關核備後行之。
第 十四 條 會員(會員代表)大會之職權如下:
一、 訂定與變更章程。
二、 選舉及罷免理事、監事。
三、 議決入會費、常年會費、事業費及會員捐款之數額及方式。
四、 議決年度工作計畫、報告及預算、決算。
五、 議決會員(會員代表)之除名處分。
六、 議決財產之處分。
七、 議決本會之解散。
八、 議決與會員權利義務有關之其他重大事項。
第 十五 條 本會置理事九人、監事三人,由會員(會員代表)選舉之,分別成立理事會、監事會。選舉前項理事、監事時,依計票情形得同時選出候補理事二人,候補監事一人,遇理事、監事出缺時,分別依序遞補之。本屆理事會得提出下屆理事、監事候選人參考名單。理事、監事得採用通訊選舉;但不得連續辦理。通訊選舉辦法由理事會通過主管機關核備後行之。
第 十六 條 理事會之職權如下:
一、 審定會員(會員代表)之資格。
二、 選舉及罷免常務理事、理事長。
三、 議決理事、常務理事及理事長之辭職。
四、 聘免工作人員。
五、 擬訂年度工作計畫、報告及預算、決算。
六、 其他應執行事項。
第 十七 條 理事會置常務理事三人,由理事互選之,並由理事就常務理事中選舉一人為理事長、一人為副理事長。理事長對內綜理督導會務,對外代表本會,並擔任會員大會、理事會主席。理事長因事不能執行職務時,由副理事長代理之,副理事長不能代理時,由常務理事代理之。理事長、常務理事出缺時,應於一個月內補選之。
第 十八 條 監事會之職權如下:
一、 監察理事會工作之執行。
二、 審核年度決算。
三、 選舉及罷免常務監事。
四、 議決監事及常務監事之辭職。
五、 其他應監察事項。
第 十九 條 監事會置常務監事一人,由監事互選之,監察日常會務,並擔任監事會主席。常務監事因事不能執行職務時,應指定監事一人代理之,未指定或不能指定時,由監事互推一人代理之。監事會主席(常務監事)出缺時應於一個月內補選之。
第 二十 條 理事、監事均為無給職,任期二年,連選得連任。理事長之連任,以一次為限。理事、監事之任期自召開本屆第一次理事會之日貣計算。
第二十一條 理事、監事有下列情事之一者,應即解任:
一、 喪失會員(會員代表)資格者。
二、 因故辭職經理事會或監事會決議通過者。
三、 被罷免或撤免者。
四、 受停權處分期間逾任期二分之一者。
第二十二條 本會置秘書長一人,承理事長之命處理本會事務,其他工作人員若干人,由理事長提名經理事會通過聘免之,並報主管機關備查。
第二十三條 本會得設各種委員會、小組或其他內部作業組織,其組織簡則經理事會通過後施行,變更時亦同。
第二十四條 本會得由理事會聘請名譽理事長一人,名譽理事、顧問若干人,其聘期與當屆理事、監事之任期同。

第四章 會議
第二十五條 會員(會員代表)大會分定期會議與臨時會議二種,由理事長召集,召集時除緊急事故之臨時會議外應於十五日前以書面通知之。定期會議每年召開一次,臨時會議於理事會認為必要,或經會員(會員代表)五分之一以上之請求,或監事會函請召集時召開之。本會辦理法人登記後,臨時會議經會員(會員代表)十分之一以上之請求召開之。
第二十六條 會員(會員代表)不能親自出席會員大會時,得以書面委託其他會員(會員代表)代理,每一會員(會員代表)以代理一人為限。
第二十七條 會員(會員代表)大會之決議,以會員(會員代表)過半數之出席,出席人數較多數之同意行之。但下列事項之決議以出席人數三分之二以上同意行之。
一、 章程之訂定與變更。
二、 會員(會員代表)之除名。
三、 理事、監事之罷免。
四、 財產之處分。
五、 本會之解散。
六、 其他與會員權利義務有關之重大事項。
第二十八條 理事會、監事會至少每六個月各舉行會議一次,必要時得召開聯席會議或臨時會議。前項會議召集時除臨時會議外,應於七日前以書面通知,會議之決議,各以理事、監事過半數之出席,出席人數較多數之同意行之。
第二十九條 理事應出席理事會議,監事應出席監事會議,理事會、監事會不得委託出席:理事、監事連續三次無故缺席理事會、監事會者,視同辭職。

第五章 經費及會計
第 三十 條 本會經費來源如下:
一、 入會費:個人會員新台幣伍佰元;團體會員新台幣伍仟元;學生會員新台幣貳佰伍拾元,於會員入會時繳納。
二、 常年會費:個人會員新台幣伍佰元;學生會員新台幣貳佰伍拾元;外籍個人會員美金肆拾元;外籍學生會員美金貳拾元。
三、 事業費。
四、 會員捐款。
五、 委託收益。
六、 基金及其孳息。
七、 其他收入。
第三十一條 本會會計年度以新曆年為準,自每年一月一日貣至十二月三十一日止。
第三十二條 本會每年於會計年度開始前二個月由理事會編造年度工作計畫、收支預算表、員工待遇表,提會員大會通過(會員大會因故未能如期召開者,先提理監事聯席會議通過),於會計年度開始前報主管機關核備。並於會計年度終了後二個月內由理事會編造年度工作報告、收支決算表、現金出納表、資產負債表、財產目錄及基金收支表,送監事會審核後,造具審核意見書送還理事會,提會員大會通過,於三月底前報主管機關核備(會員大會未能如期召開者,先報主管機關)。上述相關資料,應同時以副本知會各目的事業主管機關。
第三十三條 本會於解散後,剩餘財產歸屬所在地之地方自治團體或主管機關指定之機關團體所有。

第六章 附則
第三十四條 本章程未規定事項,悉依有關法令規定辦理。
第三十五條 本章程經會員(會員代表)大會通過,報經主管機關核備後施行,變更時亦同。
第三十六條 本章程經本會101年9月14日第二屆第一次會員大會通過。


 Charter of Taiwan Society ofMicrobial Ecology
Chapter 1General
Article 1In order to facilitateinternational exchanges and cooperation of Taiwan’s microbial ecologyscholars with international counterparts, to pursue progress and development of Taiwan’s microbial ecologyanditsapplications, and to promote the academic contributionas thebasic principle, Taiwan Society of Microbial Ecology(hereinafter referred to as “the Society”) is founded.
Article2The Society is a non-profit academic organization founded accordingtothelawsof Taiwan.
Article 3The Society’s organizational areacoversall administrative districts of Taiwan.
Article 4 The Societyheadquarter addressisinthe administrativedistrictofTaipeiCity,thelocation of thecompetent authority.Its branchoffices shallbe established withapproval of the competent authority.
The organizational structural and principle of the branch officesshall be designatedby the Board of Directorsand approved by thecompetent authorityfor implementation.
The changes in addressesof the Society headquarter and its branchofficesshall be reported to and approved by the competent authority.
Article 5The tasksofthe Society to perform areas follows:
a. To organize domestic and international (including China, Europe and American regions) conferences(seminars, workshops and symposia).
b. To invitescholars and experts for the conferences.
c. To propose research projects relevant tomicrobial ecology.
d. To handleother affairs relevant to theCharter and the tasksstatedabove.

Article 6Ministry of the Interioris the competent authority.The Society shall perform its tasks and businessin compliance with the Charter of the Society,and the performanceshall be supervised by Ministry of Education, National Science Council, Environmental Protection Administration, Council of Agriculture, and Department of Health of Executive Yuan, the competent authority agencies. Thecore business of the Society shall be guided and supervised by eachof the relevantcompetent authorityagencies.

Chapter 2 Memberships
Article 7TheSocietymemberships have sixcategoriesas follows:
a. Individual membership: Any individualwho is a citizen of Taiwanatageof20 years or older, and supports the Charterof the Society can apply for the individual membership. After the application is approved by the Board of Directorsand the individual pays the membershipfee, he/she will become anindividual member.
b. Group membership: Any institution or organizationthat supports the Charterof the Society can file an application for the groupmembership.After the application is approved by the Board of Directorsand the group membershipfee is paid, the institution or the organizationwill become agroup member.The group member shall elect and assign a person as therepresentative to carry out its membershiprights.
c. Student membership.Anyindividualwho supports the Charterof the Society, is20 years or olderin age, and is a currently registeredstudent atany of the colleges, universities or graduate institutionsin Taiwan can file anapplication for the student membership. After the application is approved by the Board of Directorsand the membershipfee is paid, he/she will become a student member.
d. Foreignindividual membership: Any foreign citizenwho supports the Charterof the Society and is 20 years or olderin agecan file anapplication of the foreignindividual membership. After the application is approved by the Board of Directorsand the membershipfee is paid, he/she will become a foreign individual member.
e. Foreign student membership: Anyindividualwho supports the Charter of the Society,is20 yearsor olderin ageandis acurrently registered student atanyof thecolleges, universities, or graduate institutionscan file anapplication for the foreign student membership. After the application is approved by the Board of Directorsand the membershipfee is paid, he/she will become a foreign student member.
f. Sponsor membership: Any individual or organizationwho provides business and/or financial support for the Society shall become a sponsor member.

Article 8Anyof themembers (representatives) has rightsto serve as  an candidate to be officerin the Society and to vote inthebusiness decisionmakingand in election,impeachment and dismissal of the officers. Exceptions are sponsor members,andforeign individual andstudent members, unless the latter have Alien Resident Certificate (ARC).
Article 9Members(representatives)shall abide the Charter of the Society and resolutions madeby the Society, and pay their membershipfees.
Article 10If amember or representative violateslaws,Charter of the Society, and/orresolutions adapted by the Society,the Boardof Directorsafter the board meeting shall givethe membera warning or a suspensionof the membership. In case of serious violation, the membership shall be terminated based on the decision made by the Society General Meeting.
A member who doesnot pay the membership fee shall not enjoy membershiprights of the Society. Afailureto paythe membershipfee for two consecutiveyearsdeems automatic termination of the membership. A member whosemembership has been terminated, withdrawnor suspended likes torestorethemembership or rights of the membership, the member shall pay the delayed accrued membership feesin full except with anacceptable proper reason.
Article 11A memberor representative with the followingsituationswill automatically result inthemembership termination.
a. Membership has been disqualified.
b. Membership has been removed by the decision of theSocietyGeneral Meetings.

Article 12A member or representative who likesto withdraw themembership from the Society shall submit a written request with description of thereasons.

Chapter 3 Organization and Responsibilities
Article 13The Society General Meeting isthe highestauthority of the Society. When the members and representatives of the Society exceed 300in number, district representativesshall be electedfrom each of thedistricts of Taiwan, and its number shallaccord to the proportion ofthenumber of the membersin the districtto the total number of the Society. The representativesshallconvenethe Society GeneralMeetingsandcarrying out their responsibilitiesand mission allocated.Elected memberof therepresentatives shall serve a two-year term. The

number and the election method formember representatives shall be enacted by the Board of Directorsand approved by the competent authorityforimplementation.
Article 14Authoritiesand responsibilitiesofthe Society General Meetingare as follows:
a. To enact and to amend the Charter.
b. To elect and to recall Directorsand Supervisors.
c. To finalizeamounts and payment methods ofmembershipfees, annual subscription fees, services charges, and members’contribution.
d. To finalize annual work plan, report, budgeting, and final budget.
e. Tofinalizetermination of memberships and representatives;
f. To finalizeproperty handlings;
g. To finalize the dissolution of the Society.
h. To finalize major business related to membershiprights and obligations
Major itemsto be finalized under the authorities of the Society GeneralMeetingshall be made by the Board of Directors.
Article 15The Society hasnineDirectorsand three Supervisors. They areelectedby the members (representatives)of the Society andform, respectively,theBoard of Directorsand the Board of Supervisors. At the electiontwo reserveDirectorsand one reserveSupervisor shall also be selected based on the numbers of votes counted.They will take the seats ofthe Directorand Supervisorwhen they become vacant. The Board of Directorsof the current term shall recommend a list of the names ofcandidateDirectorsand Supervisors for the next termas the references. The election may be madevia publiccommunications but consecutive elections viathe publiccommunications shall not be permitted. Methods of theelection via publiccommunications shall be adopted by the Board of Directorsand approved by the competent authoritybefore implementation.
Article 16Authoritiesand responsibilities of the Board of Directorsare as follows:
a. To approve the qualification ofapplicants for themembership(representatives)
b. To elect and to recallstanding Directorsand the President.
c. To finalizethe resignation of Directors, Standing Directorsandthe President.

d. To employ and to dismiss staff.
e. To prepareannual work plan, report, budgeting, and final budget;
f. To conduct other businessand affairs relevant to the above tasks.
Article 17Board of Director shall havethree StandingDirectors. They are elected from theDirectorsbytheBoard of Directors. President and Vice Presidentshall bethenelected from and bytheStanding Directors.
The President of the Board of Directors shall manage internal affairs of the Society, represent the Society in external affairs, and preside as chairman at the Society General Meeting and the Board of Directors meetings.
When the President is absentorunable to carry out his/herresponsibilities,Vice President shall takeover President’sresponsibilities.When the Vice President is absentor unableto carry out the responsibilities, one of the Standing Directorsshall take over the responsibilities.
When the president or aStanding Directorbecomesvacant, aby-election shall be conducted within amonth.
Article 18Authorities and Responsibilities of the Board of Supervisors:
a. To supervise the excution of tasksassigned by the Board of Directors;
b. To audit annual budget;
c. To elect and recall Standing Supervisors;
d. To finalize the resignation of Supervisors and Standing Supervisors.
e. To supervise other business relevant to the executionof the tasks above.

Article 19The Board ofSupervisors shall have aStanding Supervisor elected by the Board of supervisors. He/she shallcharge supervision of daily task
sand preside as the chairman of the Board ofSupervisorsmeetings.
When the Standing Supervisor becomes unable tocarry out theresponsibilities, he/she shall appoint one of thesupervisorsas the Acting Standing Supervisor. When the Standing Supervisor is unable or fails to appoint the Acting Standing Supervisor, the supervisors shall appoint anActing Standing Supervisor bythemselves.
When the chairman of the Board of Supervisorsmeeting becomesvacant, aby-elections shall be conducted to elect aStanding Supervisor within amonth
Article 20Directorsand Supervisors serve the posts for a termof two years

without remuneration.The service termcan be consecutive.An exception is the President who can serve two terms the most. The term of Directorsand Supervisors starts from the date when the first Board of Directorsmeeting is held.
Article 21A Director or a Supervisor shall be dismissed if he/she has the following situations:
a. Membership disqualified.
b. Resignation of a Directoror Supervisor post approved by the Board of Directors.
c. Removal or recall of the postby the Society General Meeting.
d. Membership suspended for a period longer than half of the service term.

Article 22The Society shall appoint a person as Secretary-General who shallchargethe office staff membersinhandlingof affairs of the Society under the authority of the President. The office staff members shall beappointed and dismissed by the President and approved by Board of Directors. The above appointment shall report to the competent authority.
The office staffmembersshall not be appointed fromDirectorsand supervisors.
Responsibilities and duties of the staff members shall be designated andenacted by the Board of Directors.
Article 23The Society shall have the right to establish and to change committees, groups, or internal organization units. Theirgeneral rules shall be adopted by the Board of Directorsbefore implementation.
Article 24The Society shall authorize Board of Directorsto hire aHonorary President and several HonoraryDirectorsand Supervisors who serve the same termas the existing Directorsand Supervisors.

Chapter 4 Meetings
Article 25The Society General Meeting has two types: regularmeetingand special meeting. Both meetings shall be convened by the President, except emergent special meeting shall be notified to all members and representatives in writing at least 15 days prior to thedate ofthemeeting.
Regular meetings shall be convened yearly. Special meeting shall be convenedwhen the Board of Directorsdeemsnecessary, or more than

one fifth of the members (representatives) request,or Board of Supervisors request in writing at its Board meeting.
After the Society is registered as a juridicalperson, a special meeting shall be convened when more than one tenthof themembers (representatives) make an appeal.
Article 26When a member or a representativeis unable to attendthe Society General Meeting, it is allowed him/her by writing to have another member or representative to serve as aproxyat the meeting.
Article 27Aresolutions adoptedby the Society General Meeting shall requireto have themajority votes that are more thanone halfof the membersattendingthe meeting. However, the followingitems require more than two-thirds of the votes from the attendees at the meeting.
a. Amendment and/orchange of Charter.
b. Dismissalof membership(representation).
c. Recall of Boardof Directorsand Board of Supervisors.
d. Property handling.
e. Dissolution of the Society.
f. Major items related to the rights and obligations of members.

After the Society is registered as a juridicalperson, the amendmentand change of Charter requires the votes of more than three-fourths of the members attending at the meetings or the written approval of more than two-thirds ofthetotal members.
The dissolution of the Society can be adopted any time as long as there is anapproval ofmore than two-thirds of total membersof the Society.
Article 28The Board of Directors meeting and the Board of Supervisors meeting shall be convened at least once every six months. When necessary, joint board meetings and special meetings shall be convened.
With an exception of special meetings, the above meetings shall be notified in writing at least seven days prior to the meeting. The resolutions adopted require the attendanceof more than halfof theDirectors and Supervisors, and the majority votes from the attendees.
Article 29Directors shall attend the Board of Directors meetingsand Supervisors shall attend the Board of Supervisors meetings in person and no proxies are allowed. The failure to attend the meetings three times consecutively deems as the resignation.

Chapter 5 Expenses and Accounting

Article 30Financial resources of the Society come from the followings:
a. Membership fees: NT$500 for individual member; NT$5,000for group member; and NT$ 250 for student member paid by the members when joining the Society.
b. Annual subscription fees: NT$500 for individual member; NT$250 for student member; US$40 for foreignindividual member; and US$20 for foreignstudent member.
c. Operating charges.
d. Donation from the Society members.
e. Service charges.
f. Funds and interests.
g. Other incomes.

Article 31The fiscal year of the Society shall be based on the calendaryear starting onJanuary 1 and ending onDecember 31.
Article 32Annual work plans, budget statementsand payrollstatements shall be compiled by the Board of Directors two months before the beginningof the fiscal year and submitted tothe SocietyGeneral Meetingfor the approval.If the Society General Meeting has beendelayed, the above statements shall be submitted tothe Joint Board Meeting of Directors and Supervisors. They shall be submitted tothe competent authority for the approval.Within two months afterthe end of the fiscal year, the Board of Directors shall compile annual work reports, income and expenditurestatements, cash flow statements, balance sheet, property catalogue, and fund income and expenditurestatementsfor auditing by theBoard of Supervisors. The auditing opinion letter shall be sent to the Board of Directors for the submissionto the SocietyGeneral Meetingfor approval.The reports shall be submitted to the competent authority prior tothe end of March. If the Society General Meeting has beendelayed, the delay should be reported to the competent authorityfirst. Copies of the report and therelevant statementsshall be submitted simultaneously to the competent authority agenciesof the concerns.
Article 33After the Society is dissolved, the propertiesleft overshall be donated to local non-profit organizations or assigned to ones by the competent authorityoragencies.
Chapter 6 Supplementary Provision
Article 34Items not regulated by this Charter shall be governed by relevant laws
and orders.
Article 35The Charter is adopted by the Society General Meeting and approved by thecompetentauthority.This procedure also applies to amendment of the Charter.
Article 36This Charter was adopted by the First SocietyGeneral Meeting of the SecondTerm of the Societyon September 14, 2012.
This Charterwas approved byMinistry of the Interior (Tai-Wei-Tai-Tzu #024)on March 4, 2013.