
A. 個人會員:凡贊同本會宗旨、年滿二十歲、具有台灣公民資格者,填具入會申請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後,為個人會員。
B. 團體會員:凡贊同本會宗旨之機構或團體,填具入會申請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後,為團體會員,團體會員推派代表一人,以行使會員權利。
C. 學生會員:凡贊同本會宗旨、年滿二十歲、具有台灣專科、大學、研究所學生資格者,填具入會申請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後,為學生會員。
D. 外籍個人會員:凡贊同本會宗旨、年滿二十歲,填具入會申請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後,為個人會員。
E. 外籍學生會員:凡贊同本會宗旨、年滿二十歲、具有專科、大學、研究所學生資格者,填具入會申請書,經理事會通過,並繳納會費後,為學生會員

F. 贊助會員:贊助本會工作之個人或團體。


A. 入會費:個人會員新台幣伍佰元;團體會員新台幣伍仟元;學生會員新台幣貳佰伍拾元,於會員入會時繳納。 新會員須於入會時同時繳納入會費及常年會費。
B. 常年會費:個人會員新台幣伍佰元;學生會員新台幣貳佰伍拾元;外籍個人會員美金肆拾元;外籍學生會員美金貳拾元。


A. 會員(會員代表)有表決權、選舉權與罷免權。每一正式會員(會員代表)各具有一權。凡具台灣居留權之會員(會員代表)具被選舉權。但贊助會員無前項權利。
B. 會員(會員代表)有遵守本會章程、決議及繳納會費之義務。
C. 會員(會員代表)有違反法令,章程或不遵守會員大會決議時,得經理事會決議,予以警告或停權處分,其危害團體情節重大者,得經會員大會決議予以除名。
D. 會員未繳納會費者,不得享有會員權利,連續二年未繳納會費者,視為自動退會。會員經出會、退會或停權處分,如欲申請復會或復權時,除有正當理由者外,應繳清前所積欠之會費。


A. 會員(會員代表)得以書面敘明理由向本會聲明退會。
B. 會員(會員代表)有下列情事之一者,為出會:一、喪失會員資格者。二、經會員大會決議除名者。


A. 本會以會員大會為最高權力機構。會員(會員代表)人數超過三百人以上時得分區比例選出會員代表,再召開會員代表大會,行使會員大會職權。會員代表任期二年,其各名額及選舉辦法由理事會擬訂,報請主管機關核備後行之。
B. 會員(會員代表)大會之職權如下:
B-1. 訂定與變更章程。
B-2. 選舉及罷免理事、監事。
B-3. 議決入會費、常年會費、事業費及會員捐款之數額及方式。
B-4. 議決年度工作計畫、報告及預算、決算。
B-5. 議決會員(會員代表)之除名處分。
B-6. 議決財產之處分。
B-7. 議決本會之解散。
B-8. 議決與會員權利義務有關之其他重大事項。
B-9. 前項第八款重大事項之範圍由理事會定之。



Chapter 2 Memberships
The Society memberships have six categoriesas follows:

a. Individual membership: Any individual who is a citizen of Taiwanatageof20 years or older, and supports the Charter of the Society can apply for the individual membership. After the application is approved by the Board of Directors and the individual pays the membership fee, he/she will become an individual member.
b. Group membership: Any institution or organization that supports the Charter of the Society can file an application for the group membership. After the application is approved by the Board of Directors and the group membership fee is paid, the institution or the organization will become a group member. The group member shall elect and assign a person as there presentative to carry out its membership rights.

c. Student membership. Any individual who supports the Charter of the Society, is20 years or older in age, and is a currently registered student at any of the colleges, universities or graduate institutions in Taiwan can file an application for the student membership. After the application is approved by the Board of Directors and the membership fee is paid, he/she will become a student member.
d. Foreign individual membership: Any foreign citizen who supports the Charter of the Society and is 20 years or older in age can file an application of the foreign individual membership. After the application is approved by the Board of Directors and the membership fee is paid, he/she will become a foreign individual member.

e. Foreign student membership: Any individual who supports the Charter of the Society,is20 years or older in age and is a currently registered student at any of the colleges, universities, or graduate institutions can file an application for the foreign student membership. After the application is approved by the Board of Directors and the membership fee is paid, he/she will become a foreign student member.

f. Sponsor membership: Any individual or organization who provides business and/or financial support for the Society shall become a sponsor member.

Any of the members (representatives) has rights to serve as  an candidate to be officer in the Society and to vote in the business decision making and in election, impeachment and dismissal of the officers. Exceptions are sponsor members, andforeign individual and student members, unless the latter have Alien Resident Certificate (ARC).

Members(representatives)shall abide the Charter of the Society and resolutions made by the Society, and pay their membership fees.
If a member or representative violates laws, Charter of the Society, and/or resolutions adapted by the Society, the Board of Director safter the board meeting shall give the member a warning or a suspension of the membership. In case of serious violation, the membership shall be terminated based on the decision made by the Society General Meeting.
A member who does not pay the membership fee shall not enjoy membership rights of the Society. A failure to pay the membership fee for two consecutive years deems automatic termination of the membership. A member whose membership has been terminated, with drawn or suspended likes to restore the membership or rights of the membership, the member shall pay the delayed accrued membership fees in full except with an acceptable proper reason.

A member or representative with the following situations will automatically result in the membership termination.
a. Membership has been disqualified.
b. Membership has been removed by the decision of the Society General Meetings.
A member or representative who likes to withdraw the membership from the Society shall submit a written request with description of the reasons.

Download:Membership Application